Creative Ways to Decorate with Plants

Plants are a great way to add a touch of nature to your home. They enhance the aesthetic appeal of your living space and offer several benefits that positively impact your physical and mental health. They can also add color, texture, and life to any room.

If you’re looking for creative ways to decorate with plants, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore unique and interesting ways to incorporate plants into your home decor.

Let’s get started.

Choose the Right Plants for Your Space

When choosing plants for your home, it’s important to consider factors such as lighting, humidity, and space. Some plants thrive in low-light conditions, while others require direct sunlight.

Similarly, some plants require high humidity levels, while others prefer drier conditions. It’s also important to consider the size of the plant and the space available in your home.

When selecting the best types of plants for different rooms in your home, consider the room’s purpose. For example, a bedroom may benefit from plants that promote relaxation and improve air quality, such as lavender or snake plants.

In a kitchen, herbs and other edible plants may be a good choice for decoration and practicality. Meanwhile, larger statement plants like fiddle leaf figs may benefit a living room.

6 Creative Ways to Display Plants

There are many creative ways to display plants. Some of them are:

1. Wall-Mounted

Wall-mounted planters are a great way to add some greenery to your walls. You can find wall-mounted planters in various shapes and sizes, and they can be made from a range of materials, including metal, wood, and ceramic.

2. Hanging Plants

Hanging plants are a classic way to display plants, and they are perfect for small spaces or rooms with high ceilings.

You can hang plants from the ceiling using hooks or brackets or use a plant hanger to suspend them from the wall. Some popular hanging plants include spider plants, pothos, and philodendrons.

3. Terrariums

Terrariums are a fun and unique way to display your plants. You can create your terrarium using a glass jar or container and add soil, rocks, and plants. Terrariums are great for small spaces, such as apartments or dorm rooms.

4. Plant Stands

Plant stands are a great way to elevate your plants and add visual interest to your space.

You can find plant stands in various shapes and sizes, and they can be made from various materials, including metal, wood, and bamboo. Some popular plant stands include ladder-style, multi-tiered, and pedestal stands.

5. Grouping Plants Together

Grouping plants is a great way to create a lush, tropical vibe in your space. You can group plants based on their size, shape, or color, or you can mix and match different types of plants for a more eclectic look. Grouping plants can also help to create a focal point in your space.

6. Vertical Gardens

Vertical gardens are a great way to use vertical space in your home. You can create a vertical garden using a variety of plants, such as succulents, herbs, or flowers. You can use a pallet or a shoe organizer to create a DIY vertical garden.


Decorating with plants can add a fresh and natural touch to your home decor. Whether you hang them, create a terrarium, or use a unique planter, there are endless ways to incorporate plants into your space.

So go ahead and get creative – your plants (and your home) will thank you.

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    Written by Henry Ramirez

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